US allows Trinidad to access Venezuelan gas
The Trinidad government and the business community-the energy sector in particular-are celebrating an announcement by the Biden administration this week that it is lifting restrictions on Trinidad and Venezuela developing a major natural gas field on the marine border between the two nations. Desperate to remove the administration of President Nicholas Maduro, Washington had imposed sanctions… Read More
Città a 30 all’ora, oggi un primo confronto tra l’Assessora Foglietta e la consulta Ambiente e Verde
Questa mattina l’Assessora alla Mobilità Chiara Foglietta ha partecipato in assessorato a un seminario tecnico organizzato dalla Consulta Ambiente e Verde. Si è trattato di una prima occasione di confronto e di dibattito – era presente anche Claudio Cerrato, presidente della sesta commissione del Consiglio comunale competente nelle materie Ecologia, Ambiente e Verde Pubblico –… Read More
Nuovo testo del regolamento sui dehors per snellire i procedimenti concessori e rilanciare la Città: prosegue il processo di semplificazione e digitalizzazione
Questa mattina la Giunta Comunale – su proposta dell’assessore al Commercio Paolo Chiavarino – ha deliberato il nuovo testo regolamentare n° 388 disciplinante l’allestimento di spazi e strutture all’aperto su suolo pubblico, o privato a uso pubblico, attrezzati per il consumo di alimenti e bevande annessi a locali di pubblico esercizio di somministrazione, DEHORS. L’elaborazione del Regolamento è avvenuta… Read More
Carceri, a Torino al via uno sportello per i dimittendi
L’avvio dello Sportello Dimittendi, che si rivolge a tutti coloro che sono residenti a Torino e stanno scontando gli ultimi 24 mesi di pena detentiva, è stato presentato in Commissione Legalità e Diritti delle Persone private della Libertà Personale. Lo Sportello, che si pone l’obiettivo di accompagnare efficacemente queste persone nelle delicate fasi che precedono… Read More
Cuba names 5 MLB players to team for World Classic tourney
HAVANA (AP) — Cubans on Major League Baseball teams or other foreign clubs will for the first time join local stars on the national team that will play in the World Baseball Classic tournament, officials announced Wednesday evening. The Cuban Baseball Federation long defended the idea of amateurism and punished those who left the island… Read More
Puerto Rico selects company to privatize power generation
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Puerto Rico privatized its electricity production on Wednesday, selecting Genera PR to take over the operation and maintenance of state power generation units in the U.S. territory as part of an initial $22.5 million annual contract. The announcement comes as the island struggles to rebuild its crumbling power grid… Read More
Guyana: Satellites will spot oil spills, not on-ship experts
GEORGETOWN, Guyana (AP) — Guyana’s Environmental Protection Agency says it can now use satellites to monitor any oil spills in the South American nation’s waters. The agency’s former leader criticized the technology as ineffective, saying the only proper way of minimizing oil spills is to put spill-prevention experts onboard drilling ships and platforms. Vincent Adams,… Read More
Historic $75M ‘Opportunity Fund’ to help small businesses lead pandemic recovery
New York City Mayor Eric Adams and New York City Department of Small Business Services (SBS) Commissioner Kevin D. Kim on Monday announced the groundbreaking creation of the $75 million NYC Small Business Opportunity Fund, the largest public-private loan fund directed at small businesses in the city’s history. Adams said about 1,500 local businesses will… Read More
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