Adding ‘Civic Mobility’ to CUNY’s social mobility cred
If there’s one word that defines CUNY’s most fundamental aspiration for its students, it is mobility. The University has long been our city’s greatest driver of upward social and economic movement for New Yorkers of all backgrounds, and in recent years economists have proven it with data: CUNY colleges are the nation’s leaders in propelling… Read More
Players take home money and trophies from first dominoes tournament in Brooklyn
History was made in Brooklyn over the March 17 weekend, when Caribbean nationals from across the United States and the world came to participate in the first ever recorded domino tournament, bringing with them the excitement of the past time. Winners were: Random Mental: 1st place – Ruby Redz Walcott, 2nd place – Alex “Flash”… Read More
US says it has spent $1B to stem gun smuggling
Apparently rattled by several CARICOM nations joining with Mexico to make American gun manufacturers accountable for their products and the mayhem they cause, the US embassy in The Bahamas has rushed to defend American proactive initiatives to address the issue. The mission said in a statement on Monday that Washington has worked through the umbrella… Read More
Guyanese Sybil Chester ‘always passionate’ about her work for the Caribbean community
After serving Schieffelin & Somerset Co./Moet Hennessy USA for more than 30 years, Guyanese-born Sybil Chester, currently serving the company as a consultant on some community projects, says she has “always been passionate” about her work for the Caribbean community. “I feel that I have made a difference in the community,” Chester, a former Brooklyn… Read More
Op-Ed | Supercharging safety for e-bikes
Electronic transportation devices are everywhere in New York City now – and from daily commuting to food delivery, they are revolutionizing how we get around. E-bikes and e-scooters are a convenient and low-cost alternative to cars. They help reduce congestion on our streets and make our city cleaner and greener. Tens of thousands of our delivery workers rely on them… Read More
Go With The Flo
March is historically Women’s History Month, and it is also National Music In Our Schools Month. The Women Behind The Mic organization has teamed with New York City’s Department of Education (DOE) for a Career Master Class presentation about careers in the entertainment industry for 1200 juniors and seniors titled: “Attaining A Seat At The… Read More
TOdays Festival giunge alla nona edizione: a Torino dal 25 al 27 agosto
La nona edizione di TOdays diretta da Gianluca Gozzi è in programma dal 25 al 27 agosto. Il Festival, che ospita 121 artisti nazionali e internazionali, 12 band, provenienti da 29 diversi Paesi nel mondo, porta in città, dal primo pomeriggio a notte inoltrata, oltre 30 ore di musica, arte, incontri, produzioni esclusive, anteprime, performance, eventi formativi e d’incontro con il meglio della scena musicale contemporanea. Read More Read More
Ginnastica artistica, le ragazze di Eurogymnica qualificate per la finale di Torino
Le ragazze dell’Eurogymnica si sono qualificate per la Final Six di Ginnastica Ritmica che si terrà al Pala Gianni Asti il 29 e il 30 aprile. Le atlete guidate dalla direttrice tecnica Tiziana Colognese hanno raggiunto il prestigioso obiettivo sabato scorso al termine della terza e ultima tappa della stagione regolare del Campionato Nazionale di… Read More
Torino ricorda Bruno Caccia e promuove la cultura della legalità
Ricorrono quest’anno i quarant’anni dall’attentato al procuratore Bruno Caccia, ucciso il 26 giugno 1983 dai sicari della ‘ndrangheta nel pieno delle sue indagini contro la criminalità organizzata. Per questo anniversario, la Città di Torino si propone non soltanto di ricordare la figura del magistrato, cui è intitolato il Palazzo di Giustizia cittadino, ma di farla… Read More
Family of US couple kidnapped in Haiti pleads for release
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Nikese Toussaint was at church, so she didn’t see the text message from her sister. All she knew at that point was that their brother and his wife, who live in the U.S., had landed safely in Haiti to visit ailing relatives and prepare for Rara, a colorful and… Read More
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