The Role of a Death Time
“House of Cotton” by Monica Brashears c.2023, Flatiron Books $27.99 304 pages The role is yours, if you want it. You can play the part on a stage or in a film, but there are a few requirements: you have to be able to sing and dance and speak with an accent. Can… Read More
Women’s World Cup trophy gets quick, guarded visit in Haiti
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) — The FIFA Women’s World Cup trophy got a whirlwind visit to Haiti on Saturday, but instead of being feted with a parade like in other countries it was only displayed during a small ceremony because of the country’s unrelenting violence. Meant to inspire future female soccer talent, the trophy was surrounded… Read More
T&T, WI coaches: More domestic Women’s Cricket needed
More regional cricket is needed if West Indies Women’s Cricket is to thrive. So says T&T and Windward Islands Under-19 girls’ coaches Gibran Mohammed and Cleton Burnett, who believe the sport is currently at a crucial stage where more opportunity must be given to younger players to assist their transition into the senior regional teams.… Read More
Protesters slam Parker for allegedly opposing tenant protections, weakening climate standards
Dozens of tenants and community members held a protest at the Brooklyn home of State Sen. Kevin Parker on Wednesday, calling him out for allegedly putting wealthy donors over constituents by opposing Good Cause eviction protections and trying to water down state emissions standards, according to organizer, Housing Justice for All, a non-profit group. The… Read More
Jordana Persad’s ‘Don’t Pass the Peppa Sauce’
This year’s Schneps Media/ Caribbean Life Impact Awards Honoree Jordana Persad and her team are currently back at it again with a new “Don’t Pass the Peppa Sauce” production. This time it is a semi-modern Caribbean twist on William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet.” “Shakespeare is already dramatic. Now imagine Romeo and Juliet but if they… Read More
Trinidad under crime seize. Hang them again says business community
Well it has reached to the stage where some members of the business community in Trinidad want authorities to resume hanging to combat violent crime and a spate of home invasions, while others are calling for emergency measures to be imposed. As fear stalks the land in Trinidad, a number of regional chambers of commerce,… Read More
9th annual GemStarr Entertainment awardees celebrated with fashions by J-Love School of Etiquette
Nine adults and four youths were recently honored with plaques, proclamations, and citations for their excellence, in academic achievement, business, community service and education, at the recent 9th Annual GemStarr Entertainment Women Who Dare to Be Different Awards ceremony. The ceremony was held at the Theodore D. Young Community Center in White Plains, New York on… Read More
25 Aprile 1945 – 2023, 78 anni di libertà
La Liberazione è la festa di tutte e tutti gli italiani. Dichiararsi antifascisti non implica necessariamente aderire a una specifica famiglia politica, se non per estensione a tutte le famiglie politiche che hanno fondato la nostra Repubblica e a tutte quelle che oggi vi si riconoscono e sono parte della nostra democrazia rappresentativa. È con… Read More
Recuperati otto appartamenti di edilizia sociale occupati abusivamente
Prosegue l’impegno della Polizia locale sulle occupazioni abusive. È di 8 appartamenti di edilizia sociale recuperati il bilancio di una maxi operazione ancora in corso nel quartiere Atc di via Scarsellini che ha visto impegnati Polizia e Carabinieri, insieme agli agenti della Polizia Municipale e ai Servizi sociali. Si tratta di un’attività programmata nell’ambito del… Read More
Metro, lavori per il nuovo sistema di gestione digitale. Dal 2 maggio variazioni al servizio
La Metropolitana Automatica di Torino si prepara al prolungamento della tratta da Collegno a Cascine Vica e si dota di un nuovo sistema di gestione digitale denominato CBTC (Communication based train control). La nuova tecnologia, necessaria a uniformare i sistemi di comunicazione tra nuova e vecchia tratta, garantirà una maggior efficienza nell’esercizio della metropolitana e in… Read More
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