Strangers pay tribute at burial for Jamaican WWII vet who volunteered in Britain’s hour of need
LONDON (AP) — When Peter Brown died alone in London without any known family, neighbors made sure that the humble 96-year-old Jamaican man who had volunteered as a teen to fight for Britain in World War II was not forgotten. Hundreds of people – mostly strangers — touched by his story answered the call Thursday,… Read More
Commission to probe deadly fire
Guyana’s government has announced plans to set up a commission of inquiry into Sunday night’s fire at an indigenous school girl’s dormitory near Brazil that killed 18 girls, a five-year-old boy and injured more than a dozen others even as state prosecutors work to bring charges against a suspect they think deliberately started the deadly… Read More
Outrage over JA salary increases
General elections in Jamaica are two years away and critics are wondering whether the governing Jamaica Labor Party (JLP) might have committed a major political own goal by approving humongous salary increases for the prime minister, cabinet members, municipal councilors and a string of other top officials, sparking protests and outrage at varying levels of… Read More
Brooklyn’s Lucina Clarke receives NYS Senate Woman of Distinction Award
Brooklyn’s State Sen. Roxanne J. Persaud on Tuesday presented the 2023 New York State Senate Woman of Distinction Award to Lucina Clarke, co-founder of the Canarsie, Brooklyn-based My Time Inc. My Time Inc. is a support center for parents and caregivers of children with autism and developmental disabilities. Clarke is also executive director of My… Read More
Dalla conferenza del progetto Super l’annuncio dell’adozione di un piano nazionale antirazzista
Il Governo adotterà entro l’anno il Piano nazionale contro le discriminazioni razziali e i crimini d’odio. Lo ha annunciato questa mattina Mattia Peradotto, coordinatore UNAR, l’Ufficio Nazionale Antidiscriminazioni Razziali, del dipartimento Pari opportunità della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, nel corso della conferenza conclusiva del progetto SUPER, Supporting Everyday Fight Against Racism, al Polo del… Read More
Conversations on Emergency Preparedness should include the disabled
Disability advocates and various experts discussed ways to ensure that the disability community is included in planning for weather emergencies during the 2023 Emergency Preparedness Conference held virtually from May 15 to 19. It was hosted by Disability Rights New York (DRNY). On day one, the first panel was led by Stephanie Duke, Ariadna Godreau-Aubert… Read More
Veteran Caribbean broadcaster/journalist Julian Rogers pays tribute to Ken Richards
Julian Rogers, a Barbadian-born, preeminent Caribbean broadcaster and journalist, has paid tribute to Ken Richards, a fellow prominent Caribbean media practitioner, who died on Sunday at the Dominica China Friendship Hospital in his native Dominica. He was 73. Rogers, who, last year, ended his tenure as managing director of the Jamaica Observer, remains in Jamaica,… Read More
Maltempo, situazione verso la normalità. Murazzi di nuovo accessibili
Cessata la pioggia nella giornata di ieri, le condizioni meteorologiche si sono indirizzate verso un progressivo miglioramento che ha coinvolto anche i fiumi, in particolare il Po, il cui livello sta lentamente decrescendo. Tornano ad essere accessibili i Murazzi non interessati da esondazioni dopo le precipitazioni di mercoledì e di ieri: le aree risultano infatti… Read More
Cascina Falchera accoglie la Città
Cascina Falchera riapre le porte alla comunità con nuove vocazioni e molteplici attività. Oltre a rimanere punto di riferimento per il sistema delle scuole torinesi, ospiterà attività di ricerca, sperimentazione, innovazione sociale e ambientale, start up di idee, laboratori per il tempo libero delle famiglie e la terza età, orticoltura di prossimità. Affidata in concessione… Read More
Meno auto e più spazi verdi per il futuro Parco del Valentino
Un parco più verde, dove l’asfalto lascerà spazio a percorsi accessibili e funzionali a misura di pedoni, studenti e famiglie. Sono questi i principali elementi attorno a cui ruota la riqualificazione in chiave green del Valentino, che riguarderà 20mila metri quadrati del polmone verde che si estende sulle rive del Po nel quartiere San Salvario, per… Read More
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