Caribbean RoundUp
Caricom The 50th anniversary of the founding CARICOM and the 45th conference of heads of governments will be celebrated in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad from July 3-5 with a prelude to the celebration on July 1-2. Minister of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs, Dr. Amery Browne made the announcement at a media conference recently. On July 1, there… Read More
BP Antonio Reynoso, WIADCA celebrate Caribbean Heritage Month in colorful splendor
The rich West Indian heritage was displayed in its colorful splendor last Saturday on Brooklyn Borough Hall Plaza, thanks to Borough President, Antonio Reynoso, and WIADCA who collaborated for the stupendous, and exciting Caribbean Heritage celebration as the month-long commemoration comes to an end. Ponce Bank shared in the sponsorship. Against the backdrop of flags… Read More
Co-defendants abandon ex BVI premier in drug trial
The two persons charged a year ago along with ex British Virgin Islands (BVI) Premier Andrew Fahie for allegedly plotting to smuggle large amounts of cocaine from the BVI to the US have copped plea bargains from federal authorities and will turn state witnesses against the former head of government. Olean Maynard was arrested in… Read More
Op-Ed | Risky business kills. We can stop it.
Last week, our city witnessed two tragedies that could have been prevented: A deadly fire at an e-bike shop and a subway surfing attempt that resulted in the death of a 14-year-old boy and serious injury for another young person. Our hearts go out to the families of those who were lost or injured in… Read More
Community Op Ed: Risky business kills — we can stop it
Last week, our city witnessed two tragedies that could have been prevented: A deadly fire at an e-bike shop and a subway surfing attempt that resulted in the death of a 14-year-old boy and serious injury for another young person. Our hearts go out to the families of those who were lost or injured in… Read More
24 hours global salute to Jamaica’s evoluntionary music genre
Jamaica’s dancehall rhythm gets a day on July 1 when International Reggae Day salutes the evolutionary spin-off music that influenced a global audience through the 1980s and 90s. On that date, from Kingston to the United Kingdom, Brazil, Kenya, Serbia, Harare, Zimbabwe to New Zealand fans of the genre will connect via virtual broadcasts, films,… Read More
La Città ricorda Bruno Caccia
Sono passati quarant’anni da quel 26 giugno del 1983 quando il procuratore torinese Bruno Caccia rimase ucciso in un attentato per mano della criminalità organizzata. Dopo avergli intitolato una scuola nei mesi scorsi, la Città di Torino lo ha ricordato oggi con una commemorazione istituzionale cui hanno partecipato la vicesindaca Michela Favaro, l’assessore Jacopo Rosatelli… Read More
Emergenza caldo: definito il piano per aiutare gli anziani che passano l’estate in Città
La Città di Torino ha definito il “Piano operativo per l’emergenza caldo 2023” per aiutare le persone anziane fragili che, per le condizioni climatiche e non di rado anche a causa di problemi di salute e di solitudine, proprio nei mesi estivi soffrono i maggiori disagi. Il Piano, il cui obiettivo è quello di creare… Read More
Medgar Evers College holds 2nd Annual Cannabis Education Showcase/ Music Festival
As demand grows for skilled workers for New York’s cannabis industry, CUNY Medgar Evers College (MEC) in Crown Heights, Brooklyn has expanded its cannabis degree minor program, and qualifying students have a chance to study at the school for free. MEC is set to offer new Associate’s and Batchelor’s degrees in fall 2023/ spring 2024,… Read More
Piazza Vittorio gremita e musiche da film per i fuochi di San Giovanni
Oltre 50mila persone si sono date appuntamento ieri sera in piazza Vittorio per lo spettacolo pirotecnico che ha chiuso i festeggiamenti per il Santo Patrono. Una pioggia di luci ha colorato il cielo per circa mezz’ora accompagnata dalle colonne sonore dei film più famosi, da C’era una Volta il West all’Ultimo dei Moicani, passando per… Read More
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