Homes4All, da Torino un nuovo modello di housing sociale. Presentati i risultati della sperimentazione
Sono stati presentati oggi pomeriggio al Combo di corso Regina Margherita 128 i risultati della sperimentazione di “Homes4All – a Torino il diritto all’abitazione si innova”. Al progetto, che propone un innovativo modello di housing sociale per affrontare l’emergenza abitativa, contribuiscono numerosi attori pubblici e privati, profit, del terzo settore o investitori: una solida rete di… Read More
QS Best Student Cities, Torino debutta come una delle migliori città universitarie del mondo
L’undicesima edizione della classifica QS Best Student Cities, pubblicata oggi dagli specialisti mondiali della formazione universitaria e manageriale Quacquarelli Symonds, vede Torino posizionarsi al 67° posto nel mondo, unica new entry italiana, vantando il punteggio più alto in Italia per gli indicatori “Affordability” (Convenienza) e Student Voice (Opinione degli Studenti). I criteri di inclusione, che… Read More
American model Gigi Hadid and friend don’t let marijuana arrest spoil Cayman Islands vacation
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — American model Gigi Hadid and a friend went ahead with a vacation in the Cayman Islands after local authorities arrested the pair for marijuana possession and later released them. Hadid, who arrived on a private aircraft from the U.S., was arrested after Customs and Border Control agents searched her… Read More
Building a Thriving Community in the Bronx with Rob Walsh
We’re back in the Bronx! Rob Walsh, President of the Bronx Economic Development Corporation (BXEDC) provides Bronx businesses access to resources and capital to help build a thriving community in the borough. Rob Walsh was appointed as president of the Bronx Economic Development Corporation (BXEDC) in June 2023 after serving as Interim President since October 2022. … Read More
Jersey City to celebrate carnival festivities on July 22
Carnival Ambassador Cheryl DB Murphy, president and founder of the Jersey City Caribbean American Carnival, said the stage is set for the Grand Finale Carnival Parade Weekend Friday, July 21 at 11 a.m. with a BARBIE Movie Outing at Cityplex Movie Theater. This will follow with an 8 p.m. J’ouvert Experience, followed by the carnival… Read More
Hochul announces new executive action on housing crisis
Gov. Kathy Hochul on Tuesday announced several executive actions to promote housing growth as part of her ongoing commitment to addressing New York’s housing crisis, largely driven by a severe housing shortage. The actions include a program to advance residential projects halted by the expiration of 421-A that include affordable housing in the Gowanus neighborhood in Brooklyn;… Read More
HALANY honors Haitian Americans in the judiciary
The Haitian American Lawyers Association of New York (HALANY) has recognized several successful Haitian American judges who overcame many obstacles in life to accomplished extraordinary achievements in the legal profession. The ceremony took place at the U.S. District Court Southern District of New York, located at 500 Pearl St., Room 850, in Manhattan, New York.… Read More
Segnali di cambiamento: occupazione e domanda di lavoro dipendente a Torino tra il 2018 e il 2022
Cresce l’occupazione, aumentano le domande di lavoro dipendente soprattutto da parte della Pubblica Amministrazione e migliora la qualità dei contratti: sono questi alcuni elementi positivi che emergono dal rapporto ‘Segnali di cambiamento: occupazione e domanda di lavoro dipendente a Torino tra il 2018 e il 2022’ che l’Osservatorio sul Mercato del Lavoro ha commissionato a… Read More
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