Dodici giovani si formano grazie a Tennis Foundation
Complice anche il successo ottenuto dalla prima edizione, Tennis Foundation ha deciso di rinnovare il programma Intesa Sanpaolo Assicura Little Champions per il 2023-2024 e consentire a dodici talenti selezionati l’anno scorso di continuare la loro crescita professionale allenandosi gratuitamente grazie a delle borse di studio. I ragazzi sono seguiti nel loro percorso da Gipo… Read More
Servizi pubblici locali, tre progetti di collaborazione tra Città di Torino e Associazioni dei consumatori
Una maggiore e più attiva partecipazione dei cittadini alla pianificazione dei servizi; il confronto e la sensibilizzazione degli utenti a un uso corretto e consapevole degli stessi; l’analisi del loro buon funzionamento, per qualità ed efficienza: sono gli obiettivi che si propone la Città di Torino attraverso una serie di progetti che la vedranno collaborare… Read More
‘Dedicata a te’; a Torino più di novemila i nuclei famigliari beneficiari della carta solidale
Dedicata a te è una carta elettronica con un contributo unico di 382,50€ destinata alla spesa e ai generi alimentari di prima necessità e rivolta ai cittadini più in difficoltà e con ISEE fino a 15mila euro. Gli elenchi dei beneficiari della Carta sono stati predisposti dall’INPS sulla base dei criteri definiti dal Decreto del… Read More
Op-ed | Protecting our youth from flavored vapes
One of my most sacred obligations as Mayor is keeping our children safe from harm. And one of the leading risks to their health is nicotine-based products, including cigarettes and e-cigarettes, also known as vapes. We have made great progress, as a city and nation, keeping our youth safe from traditional cigarette smoking—bringing down youth smoking rates from 23% in 2000 to 2.3% in 2021. But with the rise of vaping, nicotine addiction among… Read More
Lack of funding forces UN to slash food program in Haiti amid a surge in malnutrition
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — The U.N.’s World Food Program announced Monday that it is facing a shortage of funds and won’t be able to help 100,000 people in Haiti this month who urgently need assistance. The 25% cut comes as a record 4.9 million people in the country of nearly 11 million need… Read More
St. John Carnival ignites the spirit of celebration
The United States Virgin Islands (USVI) Department of Tourism said on Wednesday that St. John Carnival, the pinnacle of holiday season festivities, drew crowds of enthusiastic revelers to the vibrant streets of Cruz Bay for an extravaganza of sensational concerts, delectable cuisine, and the highly anticipated carnival parade and fireworks. The department said the event… Read More
The impact of medical gaslighting when someone is disabled
The fourth session of the 3rd annual Power in Pride Celebration Conversation Series, hosted by Marie Dagenais-Lewis, an artist who is disabled and living with MHE, hEDS, ME/CFS, POTS, PTSD and HM was held virtually on July 11. July is an important month in the history of disability rights, since President George H.W. Bush signed… Read More
Caribbean RoundUp
Bahamas Bahamians are celebrating the 50th anniversary of their political independence from Britain with street parades and a reminder from Prime Minister Phillip Davis that independence is the first step on a long journey. “Independence was and is a state of mind, an attitude, a conviction, that we will faithfully discharge the weighty responsibility of… Read More
The significance of amplifying disabled voices
On July 12, news organization The 19th held its virtual Disability Pride Month conversation, hosted by its caregiving reporter, and fellow disability advocate Sara Luterman (pronounced Loot-er-man). In conversation with Luterman were soccer player Carson Pickett, a defender on the Racing Louisville Football Club (part of the National Women’s Soccer League), without a left forearm,… Read More
Monte Irving Park comes alive with Caribbean entertainment
Nationals packed Monte Irving Park in Orange County, New Jersey on July 9 defying warnings of severe thunderstorms. However, the rainfall stayed away from the municipal grounds giving the Annual Caribbean American family fun day an opportunity to showcase culture, food, and festivities. Mayor of The City of Orange Township, Dwayne D. Warren, brought energy… Read More
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