Approvate le agevolazioni sulla Tari per i commercianti di via Po
Gli esercizi commerciali e le attività artigianali di via Po, interessata dal cantiere di riqualificazione, avranno diritto ad uno sgravio del 30% sulla Tassa Comunale sui Rifiuti e sul Canone Unico per il secondo semestre del 2023. Lo ha deciso la Giunta Comunale nella seduta di ieri approvando una delibera proposta dall’assessora al Bilancio Gabriella Nardelli.… Read More
Sure Thing Productions has announced that singer and songwriter Elijah Rocq is anticipating new career success when he drops his latest single “There for You” on all major streaming platforms later this fall. The release said the new single, described by Rocq as “Dancehall Afro- Soul infused with elements of reggae” is produced by Rocq… Read More
Malattie pediatriche, l’ospedale infantile Regina Margherita vara un programma di screening su 6mila neonati
E’ stato presentato questa mattina all’ospedale infantile Regina Margherita di Torino il ‘Progetto NeoGen’, il primo programma in Italia di screening neonatale esteso (SNE) che attraverso l’analisi genetica identifica precocemente 500 malattie pediatriche. Si tratta di un progetto innovativo per l’identificazione pre-sintomatica o precoce che incide sull’evoluzione della malattia. NeoGen sarà avviato a partire dal… Read More
Servizio civile, un’occasione di crescita per i giovani
Questa mattina al Polo del ‘900 le ragazze e i ragazzi che termineranno dopodomani, 15 settembre, il servizio civile hanno incontrato i loro referenti per un momento conviviale e di saluto. A loro sono andati i ringraziati per l’impegno nella cittadinanza attiva e nella promozione della pace e dei valori della Repubblica italiana attraverso azioni… Read More
Hurricane Lee turns north on path that will take it past Bermuda as it aims for Atlantic Canada
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Hurricane Lee began to spin away from the northern Caribbean on Wednesday as the Category 3 storm aimed for Atlantic Canada and left big waves in its wake. The storm was located about 475 miles (765 kilometers) south-southwest of Bermuda in the morning. It had winds of up to… Read More
New exhibition at Calabar Gallery honors Latin American artists
On Sept. 13, the exhibition, Latin American Artists: Dreams and Possibilities, will open at Calabar Gallery. It will explore wide-ranging art making processes, distinctive cultural roots, issues of language and identity in Latin American art. It will feature 20 artists from Jersey City, NJ and the New York City Metropolitan area. Participating artists include Ray Arcadio, Alexandra… Read More
When CARICOM leaders appointed three former prime ministers to a special group to interface with strife-torn Haiti, hopes were high for a breakthrough in the political deadlock that has left the country functioning without a single democratically elected official. The so-called eminent persons group (EPM) comprising former Jamaican Prime Minister Bruce Golding, Kenny Anthony of… Read More
Westbeth, Where Art, Culture and Innovation Converge with Peter Madden
Westbeth is one of New York City’s hidden treasures nestled in the heart of the West Village. From its humble beginnings as a Bell Telephone Laboratory to its transformation into a thriving hub for painters, dancers, writers, and performers, this former industrial complex has witnessed the birth of countless masterpieces and has had a profound… Read More
Late victories lift Aruba, Saint Martin to top of groups
CONCACAF says League C of the 2023-24 CONCACAF Nations League continued on Monday with Aruba and Saint Martin earning key victories in their quest for promotion. CONCACAF said on Tuesday that the first match-up of the day saw Aruba come away with a late 2-1 win over the Cayman Islands in Group B at the… Read More
Suicide a cause for concern in the Americas
Nearly 100,000 deaths by suicide happens in the Americas each year and this is of significant concern for the region, this according to the Director of the Pan American Health Organization, (PAHO) Dr. Jarbas Bardosa. Dr. Bardosa made this comment in his message to mark “World Suicide Prevention Day,” marked for Sunday, Sept. 16, 2023.… Read More
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