Community Op-Ed: Staying safe for the holidays
The upcoming holiday season is a festive time of year. It’s getting colder, so we try to stay warm, we invite friends and family over, cook more, light candles, maybe burn a fire in the fireplace or use space heaters, buy Christmas trees and string them up with lights, and fill our homes with other… Read More
Le fontane di Piazza CLN si illuminano di arancione per dire “NO alla violenza contro le donne”
Ieri alle 19 le fontane del Po e della Dora di Piazza CLN si sono illuminate di arancione, colore che rappresenta il futuro libero dalla violenza contro le donne e le ragazze. L’iniziativa è stata promossa da Zonta club di Torino che, contemporaneamente, ha organizzato davanti alle fontane un flash mob, aderendo alla campagna di… Read More
Via libera al “piano neve”: previste più ore di intervento. Maggior attenzione per scuole e pronto soccorsi
Gli uffici tecnici della Città e Amiat hanno predisposto il piano d’intervento da attuare in caso di nevicata: il testo del “Piano dei servizi di viabilità invernale 2023-2024”, con il relativo preventivo di spesa, sono stati approvati oggi dalla Giunta comunale su proposta dell’assessora Chiara Foglietta. Tra i servizi erogati dalla società rientra infatti anche quello per la viabilità… Read More
Brothers from Haiti find love for tennis in New York
Brothers Christian and Gaetan Georges grew up in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, where life was pretty typical for them. “Our parents sheltered us and we were pretty well-insulated from the realities of growing up in Haiti in the 90s and early 2000s. We went to private school, played sports — though not tennis at the time —… Read More
Caribbean RoundUp
Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda’s Ambassador to the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Dr. Clarence Henry, has reiterated a call for an “independent and comprehensive” analysis of claims being made by regional paint manufacturers who have been calling for an increase in the tariffs on paint imports from the United States. Henry met with local manufacturers… Read More
Via libera al ripristino del tratto spondale del Po tra i ponti Balbis e Isabella
Partiranno nella primavera 2024 i lavori di ripristino del tratto spondale e della pista ciclo-pedonale che corre sulla sponda destra del Po nel tratto compreso tra i ponti Balbis e Isabella. Questa mattina la Giunta comunale – su proposta dell’assessore alla Sponde fluviali e alla Cura della città, Francesco Tresso – ha infatti approvato il… Read More
Easy, flavorful Saucy Pepper Shrimp Recipe
Saucy, Spicy and Simply Delicious. Over the years I’ve shared several pepper shrimp recipes with you all, based on my experiences and general love for this spicy seafood dish. There’s my Classic Island Pepper Shrimp, my Memories of Korea Pepper Shrimp, the Jamaican Pepper Shrimp after a trip to the island and even a Fried… Read More
Former Jamaican PM calls for stronger regional integration
Jamaica’s former, Prime Minister, PJ Patterson has called on the Development Bank of Latin and American and the Caribbean, which now has a $50 billion in financial assets, to help the Caribbean region achieve greater integration and sustainable development by facilitating finance through public-private partnerships. Patterson urged the leaders of the Caribbean to rise above… Read More
CABS Health Network celebrates unsung heroes with Circle of Care Awards
In a world that often moves at an unrelenting pace, it is easy to overlook the quiet heroes among us — the caregivers who selflessly dedicate their lives to the well-being of others. The Circle of Care Awards, an annual recognition program presented by the CABS Health Network, held at the luxurious Gianda on the… Read More
Female pastor shows kindness by assisting those in need
Sharmaine Byrd is a native of NYC, and a pastor of Greater Mount Carmel Cathedral and Worship Center in Brooklyn. It may surprise many to know that her parents were drug addicts at the time of her birth. Byrd has only visited The Bahamas where her maternal great grandfather is a native of its capital,… Read More
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