Op-Ed | Making it easier for working-class New Yorkers to file their taxes and put money back into their pockets
New York City was built on the backs of working-class New Yorkers; people like my mother, Dorothy Mae Adams, a single mother who worked multiple jobs to support my five siblings and myself. She sacrificed everything for us, and I know that there are thousands of New Yorkers doing the same today in our city for… Read More
Le Feste di via animano i quartieri. Il programma fino a giugno
Questa mattina la Giunta Comunale, su proposta dell’assessore al Commercio Paolo Chiavarino, ha approvato il calendario del primo semestre delle Feste di via in programma fino alla fine del mese giugno. Bancarelle, spettacoli, negozi aperti, giochi, notti bianche animeranno i quartieri della nostra città. “Le feste di via rappresentano una tradizione importante per la città… Read More
Taglio del nastro per i nuovi locali del Pronto Soccorso Pediatrico del Regina Margherita
Sono stati inaugurati questa mattina in una veste tutta nuova, a misura di bambino, i locali del reparto di Pediatria di Urgenza dell’Ospedale Regina Margherita. La ristrutturazione era stata avviata la scorsa estate dalla struttura pubblica ed è proseguita con l’intervento della Fondazione FORMA che, grazie alle donazioni della collettività, ha messo a disposizione arredi… Read More
Myrie tells ‘the truth’ about proposed closure of SUNY Downstate Hospital
State Sen. Zellnor Y. Myrie on Friday stressed that he was telling “the truth” about the proposed closure of SUNY Downstate Hospital in Central Brooklyn. “You may have seen SUNY-Downstate in the news over the past several weeks. I wanted to take a moment to make sure you have the facts, and that you know… Read More
Un progetto per sostenere l’invecchiamento attivo. Al via “Correre Controvento – Prometeo 2.0”
Nel mese di marzo partirà “Correre Controvento – Prometeo 2.0”, un progetto sperimentale realizzato dal Dipartimento Servizi Sociali Socio Sanitari e Abitativi di Città di Torino volto a favorire l’invecchiamento attivo e il mantenimento delle persone anziane nel proprio domicilio. Secondo i dati messi a disposizione da ISTAT, a Torino più di una persona su 4… Read More
8 marzo, un convegno per costruire una città a misura di donna
La Città di Torino, anche quest’anno, in occasione della “Giornata Internazionale della Donna” organizza per l’8 marzo una serie di iniziative, al fine di celebrare le conquiste raggiunte in campo sociale, economico e politico e soprattutto per proseguire su quella strada diretta verso una completa parità di diritti e opportunità. Cuore del programma messo insieme… Read More
Bronx Borough Prez to host Garifuna Heritage Month Celebration
The Board of Directors of the Bronx-based Garifuna Coalition USA, Inc., announced on Sunday that Bronx Borough President Vanessa L. Gibson will host the 16thAnnual Garifuna Heritage Month Celebration on Thursday, March 7 at the Bronx County Borough Hall. José Francisco Ávila – a Garifuna/Afro-Latino author, self-publisher, prominent Garifuna/Afro-Latino social justice activist and chairman of… Read More
Making it easier for working-class New Yorkers to file their taxes and put money back into their pockets
New York City was built on the backs of working-class New Yorkers; people like my mother, Dorothy Mae Adams, a single mother who worked multiple jobs to support my five siblings and myself. She sacrificed everything for us, and I know that there are thousands of New Yorkers doing the same today in our city for… Read More
Black history makers march to gender-specific spotlight
Following a month-long spotlight hailing Black achievers during the shortest month of the year, March — one of the longest — is the designated period to hail superlative women. Women’s History Month promise a plethora of platitudes, bouquets and focus on women often overlooked or denied throughout the rest of the year. Among them, former… Read More
US couple whose catamaran was hijacked were likely thrown overboard and died, Grenada police say
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — An older U.S. couple whose catamaran was hijacked last week in the Caribbean by three escaped prisoners were presumed dead and likely were thrown into the ocean, police said Monday. The accounts by police in Grenada and in St. Vincent and the Grenadines were a blow to those who… Read More
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