Nominata la nuova segretaria generale
Annalisa Puopolo è la nuova segretaria generale della Città di Torino. Nominata oggi dal Sindaco Stefano Lo Russo, entrerà in servizio a Palazzo Civico il prossimo 18 marzo. Originaria della provincia di Napoli, città dove ha conseguito gli studi universitari, proviene dal Comune di Viterbo dove ricopriva l’incarico di segretaria generale, ultimo di una lunga… Read More
Al via i lavori a Torino Esposizioni e al Teatro Nuovo
Partiranno entro la fine del mese i lavori negli spazi di Torino Esposizioni, un progetto da 166 milioni di euro. I cantieri, iniziati nel luglio dello scorso anno con le opere di bonifica dall’amianto e di messa in sicurezza, chiuderanno entro la fine del 2026 e prevedono la realizzazione della nuova Biblioteca Civica Centrale all’interno… Read More
Promozione dell’Abitare Sociale, due nuove linee di intervento a sostegno dei più fragili
Requisiti di accesso più semplici e nuove tipologie di intervento a sostegno dei cittadini in condizioni di emergenza abitativa e fragilità economica e sociale. Questo in estrema sintesi quanto prevede la revisione approvata questa mattina dalla Giunta Comunale su proposta dell’Assessore alle Politiche Sociali e Abitative Jacopo Rosatelli del sistema di Promozione dell’Abitare Sociale (PAS),… Read More
Sicurezza a Torino, si ampliano i servizi interforze
A partire da giovedì 7 marzo, nelle aree più sensibili di Torino (zona nord, Porta Palazzo e San Salvario) saranno operativi ulteriori servizi di pattugliamento interforze da parte della Polizia di Stato e dell’Arma dei Carabinieri con il concorso dei militari dell’Esercito dell’Operazione Strade Sicure. Le nuove misure, che usufruiscono di altri 54 militari assegnati alla… Read More
There’s chaos in Haiti. Powerful gangs are attacking key targets like prisons as alliances shift
Increasingly powerful gangs have attacked prisons and the airport serving Haiti’s capital in recent days, forcing businesses and schools to close as hundreds of people fled. Heavily armed gangs have grown more powerful than Haiti’s weak government and now control some 80% of the capital, according to the United Nations. The latest attacks began Thursday… Read More
Caribbean RoundUp
Bahamas The Bahamas authorities say they are preparing to execute the power of sale against scores of delinquent accounts whose owners did not take advantage of the payment plans and amnesty periods regarding the payment of property taxes. Acting Director of the Department of Inland Revenue (DIR), Shunda Strachan said that there are an estimated… Read More
‘Fry Dry’ Smelts (fish)! The ultimate comfort meal
Here’s a classic fried fish recipe, just about everyone in my village of Guaracara (Trinidad) would make when the fishermen would have freshly caught sardines or herrings. Back then the vendors would drive from village to village in a station wagon or pick-up truck selling whatever fish and shrimp which were caught by the fishermen.… Read More
Former first lady slates March date in Harlem to hail women
Among an impressive Women’s History Month lineup of speakers and presentations slated to hail the celebrated gender this month, the New York Public Library recently announced Harlem’s Schomburg Center for Social Research the location for a March 27 dialogue with former first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton. Acclaimed for her role as the wife of President… Read More
Puerto Rico’s power company holds a massive debt. A key hearing to restructure it has started
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — A key hearing over the future of Puerto Rico’s crumbling power company and its staggering $9 billion debt began Monday in federal court following years of acrimonious talks between the U.S. territory’s government and creditors seeking to recover their investments. The hearing, which is expected to last up to… Read More
Grenadian-born nurse practitioner to launch groundbreaking healthcare initiative in Brooklyn
A highly-respected, Grenadian-born nurse practitioner is poised to launch a groundbreaking healthcare initiative in Brooklyn. East Flatbush, Brooklyn resident Dr. Denise Romney, president and founder of Eastern Circle, Inc. (ECI), told Caribbean Life on Sunday that she will launch the major initiative on Saturday, March 9, 2024, at 7 p.m., at Our Lady of Refuge… Read More
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