Sicurezza stradale: in città due nuovi autovelox fissi posizionati lungo i corsi Giulio Cesare e Grosseto
Due nuovi autovelox fissi verranno posizionati lungo i corsi Giulio Cesare e Grosseto: lo ha deciso la Giunta Comunale che ha approvato questa mattina la proposta tecnico-economica per la loro realizzazione. I nuovi impianti per il controllo elettronico della velocità – che dovranno rispondere a tutte le normative vigenti in materia ed essere regolarmente omologati… Read More
Op-Ed | Yes to housing in God’s backyard
When we came into office, we had a clear mission: protect public safety, rebuild our economy as quickly as possible, and make our city more livable for everyday New Yorkers. The key to livability is affordable housing. It is the bedrock on which New Yorkers can build a family, build a life, or simply continue… Read More
To fight racial injustice, save SUNY Downstate Hospital
SUNY Downstate is in crisis. Decades of underfunding and insufficient Medicaid reimbursement already strained Downstate when the medical center was designated as a COVID-only hospital for nine months. Now, our community has been taken by surprise with the news that our beloved hospital is slated for a “transformation” that means reduced services and lost jobs.… Read More
Community Op-Ed: Yes to housing in God’s backyard
When we came into office, we had a clear mission: protect public safety, rebuild our economy as quickly as possible, and make our city more livable for everyday New Yorkers. The key to livability is affordable housing. It is the bedrock on which New Yorkers can build a family, build a life, or simply continue… Read More
Guyanese American pediatrician encourages women to take care of physical, mental health
Guyanese American pediatrician, Veronica Wiltshire, recipient of the 2023 Ken Rampersaud Show International Women’s Day award, and who was recently nominated for the leadership Winston Salem Program class of 2025, which provides an opportunity to work on various projects with other leaders, called on women to take care of their mental and physical health. “Take… Read More
Inaugurata la nuova sede UICI
Questa mattina l’UICI (Unione Italiana Ciechi e Ipovedenti) di Torino ha inaugurato ufficialmente la nuova sede sociale del capoluogo piemontese. Ubicati al secondo piano di corso Vittorio Emanuele II n°63, i nuovi locali vanno così a espandere la storica sede già presente al primo, rendendola più funzionale e confortevole. L’Unione Italiana dei Ciechi e degli… Read More
Utopie realiste, ad aprile torna Biennale Tecnologia
Torna a Torino per la sua quarta edizione Biennale Tecnologia, manifestazione culturale ideata e organizzata dal Politecnico di Torino dedicata a esplorare il rapporto tra tecnologia e società. Per la prima volta Biennale Tecnologia si terrà nel periodo primaverile, ovvero da giovedì 18 (con festa di apertura mercoledì 17) a domenica 21 aprile. Il tema… Read More
Women’s History salute reels month-end African Festival
A three-day festival featuring 12 films from as many countries will end this month’s tribute to powerful women when the African Diaspora International Film Festival spotlights their role in society. From March 29 to 31 a series highlighting the gender promise “stories of women who challenge the societies they inhabit, by unveiling complex social realities… Read More
Pastor Simeon King wants end to Israeli-Hamas War
Dr. Simeon A. King, pastor of Mission for God Evangelical Ministries on Park Place in Brooklyn, is calling for the end of the Israeli-Hamas War, stating that, the longer the war continues, the more innocent lives will be lost on both sides. Pastor King said that this, in turn, will bring more pressure on the… Read More
Like an onion: Layer by layer and sometimes, you cry
“Pride and Joy” by Louisa Onomé c.2024, Atria Books $27.99 336 pages You never have just one. That’s how it goes when something bad happens: another undesirable event usually follows it, then another, layer by layer until you think you can’t handle it anymore. You offer up a prayer, please stop, and eventually,… Read More
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