Misure antismog, fino a lunedì 15 aprile in vigore le sole misure strutturali. Confermato il livello 0 (bianco)
Restano in vigore fino a lunedì 15 aprile 2024 compreso – prossimo giorno di controllo – le sole misure strutturali di limitazione al traffico: sulla base dei dati previsionali sulla qualità dell’aria forniti oggi da Arpa Piemonte è stato infatti confermato il livello 0 (bianco) delle misure antismog.Eventuali variazioni del semaforo antismog in vigore, con… Read More
Guyana and Venezuela at it again, UNSC to debate issue
After about three months of relative silence, Venezuela is once again ratcheting up its claims to ownership of Guyana’s resource-rich Essequibo region and it appears this has much to do with upcoming elections in Guyana’s neighbor to the west in late July. In the past week, Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro signed a law incorporating and… Read More
Vincies participate in Walk-a-Thon to aid Penn Relays initiative
Several Vincentians on Saturday braved the chilly and blustery weather in participating in the annual Walk-a-Thon at Marine Park in Brooklyn in raising much-needed funds for Vincentian athletes participating in the prestigious Penn Relays at the Franklin Field Stadium at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Before the pre-walk warm-up, Sandra Millington, president of the… Read More
Crunch Time: Last-Minute Tax Tips & 8 Products to Make Tax-Day Stress Go Away
Tax time is when procrastinators like me feel the very real pinch of their procrastination. Why did I wait so long? For me, it’s the time of year where my poor time-management skills really come to the forefront. I often feel less overwhelmed when I read some last-minute tax tips: File electronically: A weapon for… Read More
A journalist. An army sergeant. An 80-year-old patient. Haitian human rights group details gang toll
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — A photographer slain in a drive-by shooting. An 80-year-old patient executed in a hospital surgery room. A couple decapitated as they closed their small store for the day. A new report released by a Haitian human rights group details the horrific violence unleashed this year by gangs who kill,… Read More
Visually-impaired Nigy Boy to share stage with Burna Boy in Guyana
Just over a month after delivering a scintillating performance at Mashramani, Guyana’s annual festival that celebrates the country’s status as a republic, dancehall’s fast-rising, New York based, Jamaican singjay Nigy Boy has been summoned to the oil-rich country again. This time, to share stage with Afrobeat mega star Burna Boy on May 1, 2024. “Nigy… Read More
Guyanese couple in New York spreads culture and cuisine globally using social media
As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, one Guyanese couple based in New York uses digital platforms to share the Caribbean’s vibrant culture and delectable cuisine with audiences worldwide. Meet Farah Khan and his wife Lima, the dynamic duo behind the popular YouTube channel “Faradalwayskurious.” Farah and his wife, whose namesake is withheld for privacy reasons,… Read More
Campaign Against Hunger honors champions in the fight against food insecurity
Amidst the bustling cityscape of New York, a silent but pervasive struggle persists — food insecurity. Dr. Melody Samuels, founder and CEO of The Campaign Against Hunger (TCAH), stands in the heart of this battle, a beacon of hope for thousands of New Yorkers in need. Dr. Samuels, originally from Jamaica, has dedicated 26 years of… Read More
Donazione di organi come gesto d’amore
“Lo sport dopo un trapianto come paradigma della rinascita” è il tema dell’incontro che si è svolto questa mattina nella sala delle Colonne di Palazzo Civico. Organizzato dalla Fondazione DOT – Donazione Organi e Trapianti -, con il Patrocinio della Città di Torino, per celebrare la Giornata Nazionale Donazione e Trapianto che quest’anno ricorre domenica 14 aprile.… Read More
Torna il Disability Pride Torino. Sabato 20 aprile al via la seconda edizione
Il conto alla rovescia sta per terminare e sabato 20 aprile, per il secondo anno consecutivo, il Disability Pride tornerà a colorare le strade di Torino. Dopo il successo della scorsa edizione, che ha visto la presenza di oltre mille partecipanti, si rinnova così l’appuntamento con la grande manifestazione in grado di portare in primo piano le istanze delle persone disabili… Read More
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