Budget-Friendly Spring Break Spots in NYC for Kids and Families
Getty Images Budget-Friendly Spring Break Spots in NYC for Kids and Families Spring break is almost here, and while the kids are looking forward to this time off, for parents, running around New York City can get costly. While our city parents are pretty savvy, we wanted to remind the seasonal parents about what they… Read More
Haiti police recover hijacked cargo ship in rare victory after 5-hour shootout with gangs
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) — Haiti’s National Police agency says that it has recovered a hijacked cargo ship laden with rice following a gunbattle with gangs that lasted more than five hours. Two police officers were injured and an undetermined number of gang members were killed in the shootout that occurred Saturday off the coast of… Read More
Pastor Cornelius Olive stands strongly with Israel in war with Hamas
Stating that God referred to Israel as “His people” (Deut. 7:6), His “treasured possession” (Psalm 135:4) and even the “apple of His eye” (Zech. 2:8), Pastor Cornelius Olive says that he stands strongly with Israel in the six-month-old war with Hamas. “From Deut. 7:6-10, we know that God did not chose Israel because they were… Read More
Easy Caribbean Vegan Stewed Lentils Recipe
Back in 2010 I shared my version of the classic Caribbean Stewed Lentils, then we had the wicked Hearty Lentil Soup we did, followed by the Quick And Tasty Lentils we did using canned lentils and the Slower Cooker Stewed Lentils, but today it’s all about tradition. This is the lentils from my childhood, a… Read More
Brooklyn Barron(s) pair to debut ‘Speaking Truth To Power’
When East New York City Council Member Charles Barron gave his farewell address to colleagues last year at City Hall, he vowed his advocacy for the Black community would continue en perpetuity. Three months after his departure he is making good on his promise with an announcement that beginning April 12, along with his wife… Read More
Tra magia e innovazione tutto pronto per la 28° edizione del Torino Comics
Mancano pochi giorni al via del Torino Comics, l’evento organizzato GL events Italia in joint venture con Just for Fun che dal 12 al 14 aprile torna a colorare gli spazi di Lingotto Fiere. Fumetti, ma anche cosplay, videogames, cinema e musica, sono le forme di entertainment protagoniste dell’appuntamento torinese, che per l’occasione si fondono e… Read More
Smog, fino a mercoledì 10 aprile in vigore le sole misure strutturali. Confermato il livello 0 (bianco)
Prosegue fino a mercoledì 10 aprile 2024 compreso – prossimo giorno di controllo – l’applicazione delle sole misure strutturali di limitazione al traffico: sulla base dei dati previsionali sulla qualità dell’aria forniti oggi da Arpa Piemonte è stato infatti confermato il livello 0 (bianco) delle misure antismog.Eventuali variazioni del semaforo antismog in vigore, con le… Read More
Lo scudetto della ritmica è di Fabriano. Le ‘farfalle’ incantano una Pala Gianni Asti gremito
Le Final Six di ginnastica ritmica si concludono con la vittoria della Ginnastica Fabriano, che conquista l’ottavo tricolore consecutivo, sconfiggendo le due squadre finaliste avversarie in una gara avvincente, accompagnata dal supporto e dall’entusiasmo di tifosi e appassionati, che hanno riempito il Pala Gianni Asti. Un meritato successo che ha premiato le grandi capacità della… Read More
La Polizia Locale sventa due furti nelle scuole
La Polizia Locale ha sventato nella notte due furti in altrettante scuole della città, in via Tronzano 20 e via Thouar 2. Nel primo caso il responsabile è stato individuato e assicurato alla giustizia. Intorno alle 4 del mattino gli agenti stavano effettuando un sopralluogo di pattuglia all’interno del Nido d’Infanzia “Il Pulcino” di via… Read More
NYPD detective specialist tells harrowing story of battle with colon cancer
As March was commemorated as Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, a Vincentian-born New York Police Department (NYPD) detective specialist has been telling the harrowing story of her battle with surviving colon cancer. Brooklyn resident Roxanne Joseph, 43, who hails from the southern St. Vincent Grenadine island of Union, recently appeared on ABC’s Good Morning America (GMA)… Read More
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