Caribbean RoundUp
Caribbean Delivering its Caribbean Tourism Performance Review 2023 the Barbadian-based Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO) reported that Caribbean tourism grew in 2023 with an estimated 14.3 per cent increase. Dona Regis-Prosper, secretary-general of the CTO, stated that last year’s growth was in line with CTO’s forecast for the year, and attributed the outcome to sustained demand… Read More
Op-Ed | Scoring a goal for affordable housing
In November 2022, our administration announced a historic once-in-a-generation transformation of the Willets Points neighborhood in Queens. This neighborhood, which was once called the “Valley of Ashes” and known for its junkyards, is now being transformed into a vibrant neighborhood with 2,500 new all-affordable homes — the largest all-affordable housing project in the city over… Read More
Closing SUNY Downstate University Hospital will negatively impact borough
Sponsored Content There has been much discussion about how the planned closure of SUNY Downstate University Hospital will drastically compromise healthcare services in Brooklyn — and leave more than 400,000 patients treated there each year without immediate access to vital, life-saving care. But little has been said about how Downstate’s medical school — and particularly… Read More
NESSA clothing brand set to debut “Capricorn” collection in Baltimore, showcasing unique blend of Guyanese Indo-Caribbean heritage and urban style
A new voice emerges from New York’s fashion world, seamlessly blending Guyanese cultural heritage with contemporary urban style. Meet Jasmin Nessa Ali, the creative force behind the ‘NESSA’ clothing line, a brand that celebrates diversity, individuality, and the rich tapestry of Indo-Caribbean culture. NESSA, Jasmin’s women’s brand, is not just about fashion; it’s a fusion… Read More
Dr. Peter Bonadie: Israeli-Hamas War ‘a very deep spiritual problem’
Dr. Peter Bonadie, the chief executive officer of Kingdom Life Ministries International in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, says that the current war between Israel and Hamas is “a very deep spiritual problem and cannot be resolved by the United Nations or international opinions or sanctions.” “Because the laws of spirituality are either not… Read More
Brooklyn council member introduces slate of bills to protect tenants after residential fires
When she first took office in January 2022, Council Member Jennifer Gutiérrez learned that her district had a particularly high rate of residential fires. Nine months later, that statistic hit a little closer to home when her chief of staff was displaced by an apartment fire. On Thursday, Gutiérrez introduced four bills intended to protect… Read More
Sesame Flyers set to perform at first Public Arts festival at Floyd Bennett Field, April 19-21
Popular Award-winning Sesame Flyers Ensemble is expected to showcase its artistic musical flare during a live performance at the very first Public Arts Festival, at Floyd Bennett Field, 3159 Flatbush Ave., Brooklyn from April 19-21. The International Sesame Flyers Inc. that recently unveil a billboard over its Youth and Cultural Center on Church Avenue, Brooklyn… Read More
You know who you are…
“The Black Box: Writing the Race” by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. c.2024, Penguin Press $30.00 262 pages These days, everybody’s got a label maker. The color of your skin? Punch out a label. The texture of your hair? Punch out a label. The way you walk, talk, or the things you like? No, you… Read More
Guyana shopping for military hardware
With Venezuela again stepping up its decades-old territorial claim to Guyana’s, local authorities are shopping around the world for military hardware to improve the country’s domain awareness, spending hundreds of millions of dollars from its growing offshore oil revenues to give the country the ability to keep an eye on its western neighbor. Authorities last… Read More
Christian Zahe, una carriera ad alta intensità negli sport da combattimento
Quella di Christian Zahe nel mondo degli sport da combattimento è stata una carriera vissuta ad alta intensità. I tanti incontri, avversari e viaggi sono stati per lui un modo per raccontare a chi non la conosce abbastanza la thai boxe, il muay thai. Lunedì 15 aprile 2024 Assessorato allo Sport, via Corte d’Appello 16:… Read More
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