Harlem Village shines spotlight on African-American heritage
Two weeks after the borough of Brooklyn flaunted a spectacular procession of Caribbean cultural exhibits along a single thoroughfare, Manhattan is set to display African-American pride on a single boulevard located in the Village of Harlem. Sunday, Sept. 15 is the date for the 55th annual African-American Day parade. Slated to kick-off at noon from… Read More
The 24th Guyana folk festival season ends with spectacular cultural presentation, cuisine and camaraderie
The smells of Guyanese cuisine, infectious music, and pleasant temperatures on Sept. 1 were the perfect elements to bring the 24th Annual Guyana Folk Festival weekend of festivities to a memorable ending. The spectacular 2024 season included a Summer Workshop Series, an Awards Dinner, and a Kwe Kwe demonstration. It opened with President Ave Marie… Read More
Un microchip nel bastone bianco per rendere la città più accessibile a ciechi e ipovedenti
Facile da utilizzare e capace di di rendere le città più inclusive, migliorando a la vita quotidiana di tutte le persone con gravi problemi alla vista consentendo loro di muoversi autonomamente nelle strade, utilizzare i mezzi di trasporto e raggiungere gli uffici pubblici: è il sistema Letismart che arriva a Torino con una prima installazione… Read More
Arrival of US armored vehicles boost to Haiti anti gang effort
Arrival of US armored vehicles boost to Haiti anti-gang effort residents in Port-au-Prince, Haiti’s capital which has been terrorized by heavily armed gangs in the past three years, can perhaps regard recent assurances by the head of the Kenyan security force in the country as good news as he pledged that his contingent will not… Read More
Riapertura di Nidi e Scuole d’infanzia, il saluto dell’assessora Salerno
Questa mattina, in occasione dell’inizio dell’anno scolastico delle scuole materne e dei nidi d’infanzia comunali, l’assessora alle Politiche educative Carlotta Salerno ha fatto visita al polo scolastico di via Servais che ospita il nido ‘Il Cerchio’ e la materna ‘J. Bruner’. “I servizi educativi della nostra Città costituiscono da anni un’eccellenza sul territorio e anche… Read More
La Città di Torino cerca 5 Funzionari tecnici
C’è tempo fino alle ore 13 di martedì 24 settembre per iscriversi al concorso pubblico della Città di Torino per 5 posti, a tempo indeterminato, da Responsabile tecnico, area dei Funzionari ed Elevate Qualificazioni. Le figure cercate sono quelle con specializzazioni in: ingegneria civile, esperto ambientale, tecnica trasporti e mobilità, tecnica in ambito energetico ed… Read More
Agos riqualifica la piastra sportiva polivalente del Parco Colonnetti. Oggi l’inaugurazione
C’erano i più piccoli, a bocca aperta e con gli occhi spalancati, incantanti dai loro coetanei alle prese con piatti cinesi, palline, diabolo e desiderosi di imitarli, quando in equilibrio su una fettuccia tesa camminavano da un albero all’altro. Un poco più in là, al limite del parco, le letture ad alta voce conquistavano l’attenzione… Read More
Minna LaFortune drops ‘Baby Baby I Love You’
Following the successful release of “Shine di Light,” Jamaican-born reggae artist Minna LaFortune has returned with a heartwarming and infectious new track, “Baby Baby I Love You.” With its catchy lyrics, sultry rhythm and irresistible groove, LaFortune told Caribbean Life on Tuesday that “Shine de Light” is set to captivate fans of both reggae and… Read More
Trudeau pays tribute to Sir Shridath Ramphal
Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, has joined growing tributes to Caribbean statesman Sir Shridath “Sonny” Ramphal’s passing. Guyanese-born Sir Shridath died on Aug. 30. He was 95. “It is with sadness that I learned of the passing of Sir Shridath Ramphal, former Secretary-General of the Commonwealth of Nations,” said Trudeau on Monday. Sir Shridath Ramphal,… Read More
Olympic 100-meter champ can’t wait to head home
The athlete who became the pride of the Caribbean at the recent Paris Olympics says she can hardly wait for the end of the Diamond League season to head home to St. Lucia and celebrate with her legion of supporters and well wishers. Julien Alfred who easily beat a high-class field including race America favorite… Read More
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