Nigy Boy donates to special needs school in Belize
Nigy Boy delivered more than a spellbinding performance at the 10th Annual Soca & Culture Festival for the more than 4,000 patrons at the Civic Center in Belize last Friday, where he performed alongside Mr. Vegas and Byron Lee & The Frontliners with Oscar B, Lima and Leon Coldero. The New York-based visually-impaired artist made… Read More
$3.5M for Brooklyn Public Library – Canarsie Branch
State Sen. Roxane J. Persaud on Tuesday announced that Brooklyn Public Library – Canarsie Branch has been allocated $3.5 million in state aid for library construction funds. Persaud, the Guyanese-born representative for the 19th Senate District in Brooklyn, which comprises Canarsie, said the funds will enable Brooklyn Public Library – Canarsie Branch to replace the… Read More
Festival del Digitale Popolare: a Torino dal 4 al 6 ottobre la terza edizione
Ridurre le distanze, superare le diseguaglianze è il filo conduttore della tre giorni di incontri e dibattiti organizzati per una terza edizione del Festival del Digitale Popolare che si presenta ancora più aperta alla città e desiderosa di alimentare il dibattito pubblico intorno ai temi del digitale, che ormai coinvolgono ogni ambito della nostra vita lavorativa… Read More
Lara launches new book ‘The England Chronicles’
On Sept. 17, 2024, two decades after one of his finest cricketing achievements, cricket legend Brian Lara launched his book, entitled “Lara: The England Chronicles,” at his residence overlooking the Queen’s Park Savannah in the capital city of Port of Spain, Trinidad. From as early as his fifth Test match, Lara showed his appetite for… Read More
UNIGHT 2024, torna la Notte Europea delle Ricercatici e dei Ricercatori
Venerdì 27 e sabato 28 settembre torna nella suggestiva cornice dei Musei Reali di Torino la Notte Europea delle Ricercatrici e dei Ricercatori 2024. Per il terzo anno consecutivo la “Notte” è targata UNIGHT – United citizens for research ed è realizzata da Università di Torino e Politecnico di Torino in collaborazione con i Musei Reali e l’Alleanza UNITA – Universitas Montium, con il patrocinio della Città di Torino e della Regione Piemonte. UNIGHT… Read More
Episcopal Diocese of New York reaffirms relationship with Haiti amid anti-Haitian attacks
Amid anti-Haitian attacks by the Republican Party, particularly by former US President Donald J. Trump and his Vice-Presidential running mate JD Vance, the Episcopal Diocese of New York gathered last Wednesday to reaffirm its nearly decade-long relationship with Haiti through the New York Haiti Project. The Episcopal Diocese of New York told Caribbean Life over… Read More
Climate justice pressure
Three Caribbean leaders aimed their proverbial ‘pistols’ at the developed world this week, calling for climate change financing and reminding anyone who would listen that the region is one of the smallest polluters on the planet but is still among areas hardest hit by an ever changing climate. Ifraan Ali of Guyana, Gaston Browne of… Read More
Sen. Parker partners with Sons of Kings Lodge #123 for 6th annual Edward Swire Memorial Blood Drive
Residents turned out in their numbers on Saturday, Sept. 21, to donate blood at the 6th Annual Edward Swire Memorial Blood Drive, thanks to NY State Senator Kevin Parker, who collaborated with the Sons of Kings Lodge #123 for the push as National Sickle Cell Awareness Month closes. The politician who has presented the drive… Read More
Al via il nuovo servizio digitale della Polizia Locale per il ritiro degli atti giudiziari
Parte domani il nuovo servizio di ritiro Digitale degli Atti Giudiziari della Polizia Locale che permetterà di ritirare i plichi on line, senza recarsi di persona agli sportelli. Se al momento della notifica dell’Atto Giudiziario il messo notificatore non troverà nessuno, lascerà un avviso nella cassetta delle lettere del destinatario contenete tutte le istruzioni per… Read More
Op-Ed | New Yorkers can’t afford to foot the bill for council’s new proposals
With prices continuing to rise across the board, it has become more difficult than ever for many New York City families to simply make ends meet. Despite these challenges, the New York City Council’s focus seems to be disregarding the reality that so many New Yorkers are currently facing. Now, some in the Council are… Read More
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