Dwight Yorke takes charge of T&T Soca Warriors
The Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) has unleashed the “Y factor,” with Dwight Yorke as head coach of the T&T team as they seek to achieve a 2026 FIFA World Cup qualification spot. The former T&T captain and striker was officially and extravagantly unveiled as the senior team’s guiding light on Nov. 14 at… Read More
Con lo sguardo al futuro. Il Museo Egizio festeggia i suoi primi 200 anni
Il Museo Egizio compie 200 anni. Dopo un lungo percorso di avvicinamento durato un anno, il Museo festeggia oggi questo importante anniversario, con un’intera giornata di celebrazioni, a cui la visita del Presidente della Repubblica ha dato ancora maggiore lustro e importanza. La giornata si è aperta con la presentazione dei progetti con cui il… Read More
‘Richie B Morning Show’ now heard in Jamaica
Jamaican-based Richard “Richie B” Burgess, host and producer of the “Richie B Morning Show,” which airs in the tri-state area on Roadblock Radio 101.1FM HD3 WCBS, has announced a groundbreaking partnership with BESS 100FM in Jamaica. The deal will allow radio listeners from Negril in Western Jamaica, all the way east to Morant Point in… Read More
Jamaican-born Nursing Dean Dr. Suzanne Mullings underscores importance of mentorship
Jamaican-born Dean of Nursing at Eastern International College in Jersey City, NJ, Dr. Suzanne Mullings has underscored the importance of mentorship in the nursing profession, describing it as “a powerful force.” “It has the capacity to unlock potential, to shape careers and to lift individuals to places they may not have imagined reaching on their… Read More
NGO Committee on Sustainable Development, NY welcomes young Jamaican as honorary advisor
Twenty-six-year-old Jenine Shepherd, president of the Jamaican American Youth Alliance (JAYA), a NY-based 501 © (3) that has supported over 30,000 young Jamaican diasporans in the USA through its advocacy, networking, and mentorship opportunities, has recently been invited to become an Honorary Advisor of the New York Committee on Sustainable Development-NY, Inc. This comes from… Read More
Meteo, possibile precipitazione nevosa domani giovedì 21 novembre. Allertata la macchina organizzativa del ‘Piano Neve’
Nell’eventualità di una precipitazione nevosa che, stando alle previsioni, potrebbe interessare la città di Torino dal primo pomeriggio di domani, giovedì 21 novembre, la macchina organizzativa del “piano neve” del Comune si è messa in moto. Sulla base delle previsioni meteo la Cabina di Regia Neve (CRN) – composta da Amiat, Gtt, Polizia Municipale, Protezione… Read More
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater kicks off season celebrating ‘Legacy In Motion’
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, America’s cultural ambassador to the world, returns to the New York City Center stage for its annual holiday engagement from Dec. 4, 2024, to Jan. 5, 2025. The theater said on Monday that the five-week run kicks off the 2024-25 season, celebrating “Legacy in Motion” and the life and legacy… Read More
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater Artistic Director Emerita Judith Jamison dies
The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater announced on Friday that its Artistic Director Emerita Judith Jamison died on Saturday, Nov. 9 after a brief illness. She was 81. The theater company said Jamison died “peacefully, surrounded by the love of close friends. “Ms. Jamison was an unparalleled force in American dance, a powerhouse performer, and… Read More
‘My Ting Different’
The highly anticipated music video for Tosh Alexander’s Reggae-fusion single “My Ting Different,” featuring Lady London, is finally in the Big Apple. Fresh from releasing the intoxicating dance-ready audio earlier this month, entertainment publicist Paul Thom of The Thom Brand told Caribbean Life on Friday that the official music video serves as the soundtrack for… Read More
Misure antismog: domani giovedì 21 novembre torna il livello 0 (bianco)
Secondo i dati previsionali forniti oggi da Arpa Piemonte, da domani giovedì 21 novembre, e fino a venerdì 22 novembre compreso (prossimo giorno di controllo), entrerà in vigore il livello 0 (bianco) con le sole misure strutturali di limitazione del traffico previste del semaforo antismog. Si ricorda che eventuali variazioni del semaforo antismog, con le… Read More
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