Dr. Ivelaw Griffith’s fictional debut examines the impact of drug trafficking in the Caribbean
Renowned academic and political scientist Dr. Ivelaw Lloyd Griffith has released his debut novel, “Sylvie’s Love and Loss,” a gripping narrative set in the heart of the Caribbean. The story explores love, resilience, betrayal, and redemption against Grenada’s vibrant culture and complex social climate. The story follows a character named ‘Sylvie,’ a determined young woman… Read More
Jerk Stewed Chicken
Here’s another chicken dish you’ll find yourself making regularly. A combination of classic Jamaican Jerk and Brown Stewed Chicken. Yes, I’m using the word ‘jerk’ rather loosely, as we can all agree that Jamaican Jerk usually means a level of open fire and smoke. However, you’ll find subtle traits of the base flavors of a… Read More
Corsie preferenziali, da mercoledì 15 gennaio attivi i primi varchi di controllo lungo corso Vittorio Emanuele II
Dalla metà della prossima settimana saranno attivate le prime telecamere che controlleranno 24 ore su 24 le corsie preferenziali, rilevando i passaggi e sanzionando i veicoli non autorizzati. Mercoledì 15 gennaio è infatti in programma l’entrata in funzione di tre dispositivi lungo il lato Nord della carreggiata Nord di corso Vittorio Emanuele II, nei tratti… Read More
Todays Festival, pubblicato il bando per l’edizione 2025
Pubblicato il bando per l’affidamento dell’organizzazione del Todays Festival edizione 2025. Online da oggi sul sito di Fondazione per la Cultura Torino, resterà aperto fino al 10 febbraio. Quest’anno la location del palcoscenico principale viene indicata dal bando e sarà Parco Dora. 540mila euro il contributo messo a disposizione per il festival estivo, che dovrà… Read More
Op-Ed | Celebrating 400 years of the greatest city in the world
2025 marks a historic occasion — our city’s 400th anniversary. It marks four centuries since the first European settlement of Manhattan in 1625, on land then known as Lenapehoking, the homeland of the Lenape people. The tiny Dutch colony began as New Amsterdam and then changed to New York when the English took control and expanded… Read More
Muoversi “Smart” a Torino durante i Fisu World University Games
Manca meno di una settimana all’arrivo del fiume colorato delle circa 70 bandiere che sfileranno a Torino e nelle Valli Olimpiche in occasione della 32ª edizione dei FISU World University Games di Torino 2025 – noti al mondo come Universiadi – in programma dal 13 al 23 gennaio 2025. Ben 13 le discipline di gara… Read More
Semaforo antismog: fino a mercoledì 8 gennaio prosegue il livello 1 (arancio)
Resterà in vigore fino a mercoledì 8 gennaio 2025 compreso (prossimo giorno di controllo) il livello 1 (arancio) delle limitazioni emergenziali. I dati previsionali forniti oggi da Arpa Piemonte evidenziano infatti il superamento del valore di 50 mcg/mc di concentrazione media giornaliera di PM10 nell’aria per tre giorni consecutivi. Eventuali variazioni del semaforo antismog in… Read More
Caribbean RoundUp
CARICOM Two CARICOM states which includes Haiti and Trinidad and Tobago have declared state of emergencies (SoE) eight days apart due to increasing murders and gun and gang violence in both countries. After a series of violent gun attacks in Haiti by gangs the government had to implement a SoE which took effect on Dec.… Read More
Ailey II adds dance to BAM’s MLK 39th birthday repertoire
Music has always been integral to Brooklyn Academy’s annual commemmoration of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday. Regularly spotlighting choruses from Harlem and the borough, choirs provide the gospel for a lively program which integrates civic and cultural tributes to America’s best-known civil and human rights advocate. This holiday’s presentation adds Ailey 2 Dance to its… Read More
Former military strongman Desi Bouterse laid to rest in Suriname
As leaders of his National Democratic Party (NDP) had bragged, Desi Delano Bouterse needed no formal send-off from the state as he was cremated on Saturday. Thousands of Surinamese either joined the funeral procession or lined the route from his city home to NDP headquarters, where he was eulogized and remembered as a fierce nationalist… Read More
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