Building a Smarter, Stronger, Cleaner Energy Future
Sponsored Content @nationalgridNY is at the heart of providing an energy transition that further enhances the safety and reliability of our energy networks. Investing in cleaner energy and more sustainable buildings will help increase the use of cleaner resources and decrease greenhouse gas emissions. Learn more about the path to achieving a smarter, stronger, cleaner… Read More
Il Politecnico di Torino all’avanguardia nelle tecnologie applicate allo sport: un ruolo da protagonista per gli atleti dell’Asia centrale
La centralità delle tecnologie applicate, a vari livelli, al mondo sportivo è il perno intorno a cui si sviluppano, a livello internazionale, nuove eccellenze e strategie del Politecnico di Torino. Proprio oggi il Rettore del Politecnico Stefano Corgnati ha siglato infatti un’intesa di collaborazione con la Uzbek State University of Physical Education and Sport: il punto di partenza… Read More
Op-Ed | Getting 20,000 illegal guns off our streets for a safer city
From the moment I was sworn in as your mayor three years ago, our primary mission has been to create safer streets, safer subways, and a safer city for New York families. That means tackling the issue of gun violence head-on and working to get illegal guns out of the hands of criminals before they… Read More
Bambini malati oncologici dall’Uzbekistan a Torino
Sono stati avviati colloqui per accogliere a Torino nelle prossime settimane alcuni bambini uzbeki con patologie oncologiche con le loro famiglie all’ospedale Regina Margherita. Lo annuncia il sindaco Stefano Lo Russo da Tashkent, capitale dell’Uzbekistan, dove si trova in queste ore in missione istituzionale con una delegazione di rappresentanti di istituzioni cittadine e che insieme… Read More
Interventi di rifunzionalizzazione per il complesso museale di Villa della Regina
Un progetto esecutivo per l’implementazione e il miglioramento dell’accessibilità generale e per l’abbattimento delle barriere architettoniche per il complesso di Villa della Regina di Strada Comunale Santa Margherita 79. Lo ha deciso la Giunta comunale nella seduta odierna, su proposta dell’assessore all’Urbanistica, Paolo Mazzoleni. Al fine di rendere più accessibile il complesso museale, anche a… Read More
CARICOM must prepare for deportees
Two senior Caribbean Community diplomats have warned regional governments and nationals to prepare for larger than unusual numbers of deportees in the coming months, given moves by the Donald Trump administration to get rid of thousands of so-called undocumented or illegal immigrants, some of whom will undoubtedly come from the Caribbean. Sir Ronald Sanders, Antigua’s… Read More
Caribbean RoundUp
Caribbean The New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) and the immigrant advocacy group Make the Road New York (MRNY), are calling on the New York City Public Schools (NY- CPS) Chancellor to take “immediate, decisive steps to better protect Caribbean and other immigrant students against potential United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) enforcement actions.”… Read More
Celebrating Black History Month under the theme ‘African American and Labor’
Celebration of Cool: As the Apollo Theater kicks off Black History Month with an Open House: Celebration of Cool on Saturday, Feb. 1 from 1 p.m. during its 90th Anniversary, African Americans, and others across the boroughs will observe the month-long celebration with music, art, food, and history, under the theme: African American and Labor.… Read More
Aloha! Bob Marley at 80 — Valentine and Presidents Day in paradise
Another gem will be added to the crown of the king of reggae when Hawaii hosts a trifecta celebrating Valentine’s Day, Presidents’ Day, and Jamaica’s Robert Nesta Marley’s 80th anniversary. The crowned jewel for marking Hawaii Fest — a two-day treasure trove of music and culinary delights — a triple treat is expected to lure… Read More
The statuary you see daily may hold secrets
“In Open Contempt: Confronting White Supremacy in Art and Public Space” by Irvin Weathersby Jr. c.2025, Viking $30.00 256 pages The issue appears to be permanent. It’s been happening for a long time. It doesn’t look like it’ll stop any time soon, either, and though you’ve been able to work around it, you shouldn’t… Read More
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