Hercules crowned Grenada-New York Independence Monarch for record seventh time
Singing “51 Years,” Hercules Sunday night was crowned the 2025 Grenada New York Independence Monarch, maintaining his sheer dominance of Grenadian calypsos in New York for a record seventh time. “Grenada, 51 years of independence, it was a different type of independence song, congratulating Grenada on 51 years of independence and issues in the community,”… Read More
When slavery was over, but it wasn’t
“Slavery after Slavery: Revealing the Legacy of Forced Child Apprenticeships on Black Families, from Emancipation to the Present” by Mary Frances Berry c.2024, Beacon Press $27.95 184 pages Your kids will have a better life than you had. You will ensure it, saving for their education, demanding excellence from them, requiring discipline,… Read More
15th Annual CaFA Fair Barbados to headline multi-awarding designer Christopher Cumberbatch
More than 40 contemporary Caribbean and Diaspora artists will participate in the 15th Annual Caribbean Fine Art (CaFA) Fair, which will take place at the refurbished Pelican House in Barbados from March 5 to 9. Barbadian-born Anderson M. Pilgrim, president of Diaspora Now Inc. and executive director of the Caribbean Fine Art Fair, told Caribbean… Read More
Al cimitero Monumentale e al cimitero Parco lavori per 3 milioni e 150mila euro. Approvati i progetti esecutivi
Con due diverse delibere la Giunta comunale ha approvato questa mattina, su proposta dell’assessora ai Servizi Cimiteriali Chiara Foglietta i progetti esecutivi degli interventi per la riqualificazione di alcune strutture esistenti e di abbattimento delle barriere architettoniche all’interno del cimitero Monumentale e per la manutenzione di strade e marciapiedi all’interno del cimitero Parco. Al Monumentale… Read More
Trasporto pubblico, Torino chiede al Ministero di finanziare 6 progetti
Torino presenterà istanza al Ministero delle Infrastrutture concorrendo all’assegnazione delle risorse per il finanziamento di interventi destinati al trasporto rapido di massa. La Giunta Comunale, su proposta dell’assessora alla Mobilità Chiara Foglietta, ha approvato questa mattina la delibera che individua come prioritari i progetti per la fornitura di 12 nuovi treni NMR per la linea… Read More
Efficientamento e riqualificazione energetica sugli immobili comunali, lavori per 2 milioni e 300mila euro
Un maxi-intervento di riqualificazione energetica interesserà il complesso scolastico sede dell’istituto comprensivo Adelaide Cairoli tra le vie Torrazza e Monastir. Il progetto esecutivo dei lavori presentato da Iren Smart Solutions è stato approvato questa mattina dalla Giunta Comunale su proposta dell’assessora alla Transizione Energetica Chiara Foglietta. I lavori, per un importo di oltre 2 milioni… Read More
Caribbean RoundUp
Barbados Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley has received one of Suriname’s highest national awards for her exceptional contribution to the relationship between the two countries, her leadership within the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), and her commitment to the region. President Chandrikapersad “Chan” Santokhi presented the Barbadian leader with the Grand Cordon in the Order of the Palm,… Read More
Acclaimed reggae documentary to make NYC premiere at Bronx Music Hall
On Feb. 1, the newly-opened Bronx Music Hall will host the New York City premiere of the 2019 documentary, “Studio 17: The Lost Reggae Tapes,” which chronicles the roots of the genre beginning from a family-owned record store in Kingston, Jamaica. The late legendary producer Quincy Jones called “Studio 17” one of his favorite documentaries… Read More
Caribbean Life seeking interns for 2025
The Caribbean Life newspaper is seeking interns to work in the editorial department of New York’s premier Caribbean news and entertainment publication covering the Caribbean, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and The Bronx. Caribbean Life is owned by Bayside-based Schneps Media, one of the largest local news chains in New York State with more than 90 newspapers and… Read More
Jamaicans sing ‘Redemption’ song after Garvey pardon
“Won’t you help to sing these songs of freedom? Cause all I ever have Redemption songs, songs of freedom…” Bob Marley, Redemption Song. In a final bid to reclaim his 50-year legacy and respond to the pleas of 22 congressional representatives, President Joe Biden issued a posthumous pardon to Marcus Mosiah Garvey Jr., Jamaica’s first… Read More
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