Queens Cancer Walk group honors victims during candlelight vigil at Radha Krishna Mandir in Queens
Survivors, thrivers, and supporters, Oct. 28 joined Allison Alexis during an evening of fellowship, and to honor those lost to cancer, during the Queens Cancer Walk’s 6th Annual Candlelight vigil, held at the Radha Krishna Mandir Inc., in Jamaica, Queens.
Against a pink backdrop with inspiring words such as, “Strength, Hope, Survivors, Fight, Together, Power,” Alexis, founder of the Queens Cancer Walk, a Trinidadian-born advocate for her community who, continues to battle the illness, hosted the Breast Cancer Awareness event, and delivered an inspirational talk to sooth, and empower her fellow warriors, some who have beaten breast cancer, and others who continue to receive treatment, in their fight to stay healthy.
A lady of strength, and determination, a torchbearer, Alexis, the Angels of Hope Cancer Awareness Group, founder spoke of her journey as a cancer survivor, noting that everyone deals with the illness differently, giving themselves time to heal, before speaking of their illness.
Founder of the Queens Cancer Walk and the Angels of Hope Cancer Awareness Group, during an inspiring talk filled with love, encouragement and hope at the 6th Annual Candlelight Vigil in Queens. Photo by Tangerine Clarke
She said she was advised to go through a double mastectomy procedure because it was felt that there would not be a recurrence. “It may not have come back in the breast, but it could have returned in another part of my body,” she shared.
“Everyone has cancer cells, but stress makes you very irregular in your life. My cancer was hormonal every month that I had my cycle I wanted to collapse on this sidewalk,” Alexis spoke frankly about her struggles before she was diagnosed over ten years ago.
A 22-year-old survivor, spoke with tears in her eyes about being diagnosed at age 13 in her homeland of Trinidad & Tobago, and the tribulations she experienced while seeking the necessary treatment to save her life.
Another beautiful lady, a mother, dressed wearing a pink breast cancer ribbon on her lapel, was emotional about how difficult it was to accept that she had the disease, but eventually, getting the treatment needed, to live a cancer-free life.
Candles were lit for family members and friends lost to cancer, during a vigil at the Radha Krishna Mandir in Queens.Photo by Tangerine Clarke
The women praised Alexis for her steadfast commitment, and vigilance in insuring that they get the treatment, love, and support from her advocacy, calling her the “amazing” Alison Alexis.
Angela Vasquez posted on social media, “Allison Alexis, I want to thank you for your love and commitment to all you do in bringing awareness to cancer.”
She added, “when I spoke to you earlier in the week, I could barely understand what you were saying, and you being concerned that you might have to cancel the 6th Annual Vigil but know you would do everything to get better not to disappoint anyone today.
“Even though you wore a mask at times I really appreciate you and your commitment. I am so grateful to able to attend your vigil every year meeting new people and learning new things. I will always be there to support you. Thank you for the opportunity year after year, said Vasquez.
Sherry Sisarran said, yesterday we had our annual cancer candle vigil. As with every day, life, I sometimes get frustrated, but I then go to 1 of these events and boy, life slaps me in my face, and I realize I am truly blessed and thankful for the life I have. Allison Alexis, please continue doing these events…you have my help and support always,” said Sissaran.
During the lighting of candles, the ladies called the names of loved one who had passed, before being serenaded with a beautiful emotional, and soothing rendition by Vikki S. Labban.
Alexis thanked Matee Singh Keisha, and the Radha Krishna Mandir Inc. for “allowing us to have the 6th Annual candlelight vigil in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I appreciate it and thank you for everything that you did to help make it a success,” she said.
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